Black fig, honey and bay jam

Fresh fig’s fleeting visit is somehow elongated by this soft set jam – more a conserve in the manner of preserving small whole early season figs in thick syrup. The pieces stay whole, the honey adds smooth stickiness and the bay leaves take it in the direction of drizzling over hot grilled cheese but sliding over thick creamy Turkish yoghurt will do just nicely.

As there is no “setting” to worry about it really is very easy and quite fast to make.

Ingredients for 4-6 jars

  • 1.4kg of ripe figs, topped and tailed, cut into 8 each one
  • 500g runny light coloured honey
  • 200g sugar
  • 4-6 bay leaves
  • 1 lemon quartered

How To

Place all ingredients in a jam pan or any heavy bottomed saucepan and mix together. Leave to macerate overnight.

The next day bring to the boil just until the fig pieces are soft and boil for 10-15 minutes. Discard the lemon halves after squeezing them to extract all the juice and flavouful pulp.

Jar in sterilised jars carefuuly placing one bay leaf in each jar.

As this is a lower sugar jam the jars need waterbathing. Place the jars in water in a pan and bring to the boil. From the time of boiling the jars need to spend 30 minutes in the boiling water.

Take the jars out (canning tongs make this easier) and leave to cool.

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