Rye n Seeds Crackers

inspired by my friend Lone’s Danish Crispbread recipe and my own black pepper oatcakes. They lend themselves to “brown paper packages tied up with string” moments in life.

As some of you know I like all things crunchy (often meaning fried): crisps, those chick pea chips, grissini, crostini, croutons, granola (but not muesli), roast potatoes, roasted nuts and other guilty pleasures.  Unlike other “healthy crackers” which I often find taste like mouthfuls of tasteless tree pulp these deliver. Loads of interesting texture, full on flavour, a tad more healthy and full of Omegas than crisps and a super kerr-runch.  I up the ante by adding different spice blends and you can happily customise yours too.  Here are the ones I made in this batch:

Lime leaf & Chilli, Cumin & Black Pepper & Pink pepper & Nigella

but I often make them with just rough ground black pepper to serve with cheese, use for dips or eat on the run. Yes I eat on the run 🙁 guilty as charged.  Unlike other cookies and delicate biscuits these crackers really need no special skills and are impervious to any over handling.  Tough little cookies indeed.

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Romania is unusually endowed with some of the best honey producing terrains in Europe and has an illustrious “apitherapy” history.  Here is where I like buying unpasteurised acacia honey (“miere de salcam”) at Pta Matache.  Dna Tatou has honey in big vats here – brilliant!

2013-03-03 11.25.10

Pink Peppercorns

A pink peppercorn is actually not a peppercorn at all…..but the dried berries of the  South American (native to the Peruvian Andes) shrub “Schinus Molles” that tastes peppery. Blood lines aside…its a great peppery addition that gives bright ruby colour and a certain fruitiness as well as that familiar “peppery” taste.

pink peppercorns

Sharp, Helen, Water-color sketches of New England flowering plants, (1899-1900)

Find them

At Magazinul de Mirodenii, at Orient pta Obor, the spice kiosk at Pta Matache


Rhubarb, strawberry & Pink Peppercorn Compote