Ranch Dressing – It takes all herbs

It takes all herbs indeed.


America….Land of the Free and according to President Obama Land of “Accepting People for who they truly are”. Amen. We could all do with a little bit more of that. 

Ranch Dressing…it conjures up images of macho Paul Newman cowboy hatted dressing jars and the great outback and what you need for frontier salads. In short, something quintessentially all American.  In fact this delicate blend of buttermilk, fresh herbs and mayo could not be further from this. I want to rename it “Fresh herb and buttermilk salad” or here in Romania parhaps “Dressing de stana” because its what the shepherds might do with freshly made smantana (sour cream) and lapte batut (buttermilk). In my head its a kind of lactic “salsa verde” with the herb tastes popping through the creaming backdrop.

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