Stilton Pate


There are some things that need little accoutrement and fussing with and Stilton would be one of those, yet this little recipe seems to tease out the best in this noble cheese. To learn more about this giant of the cheese world and the etiquette of eating Stilton (take note you “nosers” of Stilton…you know who you are!) read the excellent guide on the (who else) Cropwell Bishop website.  The recipe I have come up with blends in things that have a natural affinity with the cheese: celery or celeriac, honey, dessert wine and so on.  I’m glad to say the whole is more than the sum of the parts.

Gadgets & Gizmos

A bowl and a fork.



225g cream cheese
2 tablespoons/35ml dessert wine or white wine plus a teaspoon of honey (which is generally what is around)
2 tablespoons/35ml cream  (“smantana dulce”)
170g Stilton  (available at “Mega Image” in Romania now)
30g celery or celeriac (“telina”) chopped fine and a teaspoon of lemonjuice to prevent it oxidising
Half a clove of garlic – minced.  This is important – you want the slight garlic nuance but it must be minced.
1 teaspoonfresh thyme

Half a teaspoon of smoked paprika
freshly ground nutmeg, to taste (I used 15 scrapes)
salt & freshly ground pepper, to taste

How To

Crumble the  Stilton into a bowl and add all the other ingredients. Mash gently.  While you could blend I like the grainy texture of this pate.

Ideas and Improvs

Eat with the pickled cherries as shown or quince paste or just a good Cox’ apple sliced.


Of course a fine port is never wrong but personally a dessert wine such as the Stirbey Dessert or the new Corcova Dessert are fabulous partners.

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